13cat1 Wiki

Newton is a smart kid who attends Pinkerton, he has an up-beat personality full of optimism and a bag full of unusual gadgets with various and potentially catestrophic results. He is one of 4 members of INK and uses a nose transmitter to communicate to INK. His almost endless supply of gadgets makes him the inventor of INK as many of the things INK uses on the missions were made by him to help them.


He used Purified Carbolic acid and Cough Syrup to divert Mr Soper while Zero checked for Vin's dental record by creating pink smoke (Armed to the teeth)

He has an IQ of 240 (The Sleeper Agent)

He gets a 100% average at Pinkerton (The Sleeper Agent)

He named his rabbit Einstein (The Robot Rabbit Group)

He loves practical joke gadgets and joke trinkets (Mice and Kids)

He loves Sweet Foods (A strict diet)

He has a crush on Trixie (Lovestruck Stinkbomb)

He is the second youngest at Pinkerton, next to Little Fred (The Sleeper Agent)

He is somewhat clumsy including his mis-perfections of his inventions (Saving Agent Newton)

He fears "Heiya the toilet paper mummy" (Pinkertomb)


He gets Zeros from Miss McBeth which technically counteracts his perfect 100% average showing it only applies to Mr Sopers Class (The Butterfly Effect)
